... and the world in which I lived was filled with dancing cows, guys playing air guitar and I was still recovering from climbing a mountain that left my legs feeling like jelly and hating the person who invented stairs. *insert the sound of windchimes here*
Ok, so my legs were in pain for five days post mountain climb but I was still stupid enough to join in an Ultimate frisbee match with some University of Utah students (aka the Utes) with my cousin Helen. Hillarity ensued as my cousin continually tackled people to the ground (its a non-contact sport) and I fell over every 15 minutes as I wasn't used to running without cleated boots on. The whole situation didn't help my sore legs issue, but did improve the grass stains on my knees. Bonus!
The week followed with movies, tie-dying, guitar hero, a tonne of good food, church, the blessing of one of the cutest babys (and quitest), a plethora of relatives to impress with my wit and double dutch skills, jet skiing, experiencing what life would be like if I was in a family with 6 kids, cheese cake, more kids and relatives to play with, more cheese cake, balloon baseball, pottery, oh, and more cake (what a birthday I had, thanks everyone for the love and tummy filling goodness of all the baked goods :)
Oh, and lets not forget the turkeys, cows, rabbits and goats of the animal farm...
(Lily and Tommy make some new friends)
From here we journey into the curious world of Twilight... otherwise known as the state of Washington and Seattle with its cloudy, rainy days and weather predictions for the possibility of 'sun peaks' as apposed to an actual day of sunshine. The place is so lush and green that more often than not you can't see more than 100m in any one direction.
It really was a world I could imagine living in, with the patter of rain to soothe the soul and the closeness of world around you. Makes you feel all warm and cosy :)
Hooray I found your Blog. Awesome Blog. We were talking about it, we figured you'd keep a Personal Diary and keep that up to date cause you wouldn't have enough time to Blog and you wouldn't always have access to the internet. We figured you'd blog it all either when you got back, or sporadically throughout your holiday, and cause of your writing style you could become rich and famous.