Monday, May 24, 2010

the countdown continues

only two and a half days remain till take off...
finally setting up the blog site to support friends with stalker-esq tendencies.
hopefully the title leaves a few scratching at their heads for the meaning of its obscurity.
tanslation: tall blond solo traveller

only suffered a mild panic attack this morning. the realisation of the immensity of what it is that i am soon to be undertaking kinda hit me like a brick. saved me the trouble of trying to have breakfast this morning.

slowly checking things off my to-do-list... anyone want to buy a Heron?
still working on how to traverse the entire expanse of canada within a 3 week period.
however, i did finally manage to pick up my tickets for actually leaving the country.

future outlook for trip? cloudy with an approaching silver lining...


  1. Love the name :) this is going to be awesome! Im going to travel the world vicariously through you :) have a great time, travel safe and keep us posted xxx

  2. Hit you like a brick, ey? Does this now make you the Slightly Dented Lofty Yellow Nomad?? You got so much guts that you are my hero. You can totally do this and I'm so excited for you, babe! Can't wait for the next blog!
